Pregnancy, Birth, and after baby’s born, care closer to home
A registered midwife is always on call for your urgent pregnancy needs in North Vancouver Island
Telephone 250-900-3909
Midwifery services are free to you and you don’t need a referral - you can fill out a form online today!
Clinics in Port Hardy, Port McNeill and Alert Bay to help you get the care you want closer to your home
We work with you to build a strong community.
To learn more about midwifery care in BC, visit the Midwives Association of BC at:
No Referral needed
Our services are covered by your care card so it is free for you. We work in together with the Kwakwaka’wakw maternity Program and other community partners
Everyone Welcome
We want to support you
We provide judgement free, supportive trauma informed care to make sure you feel safe and able to make the choices that fit your values. Your personal safety is important to us.
We support you in your choice of feeding your baby
We offer support and knowledge for chest and breast feeding, pumping and formula feedings so that you can make the feeding choices for your baby that are right for you. We offer a safe place to feed your baby.
Land acknowledgement
We would like to draw attention to the continued relationship of the Indigenous peoples have with their territory and land. We celebrate the importance of Indigenous culture within our communities and within the land that we gather, live, learn and work on. We acknowledge that we are on unceded traditional territories of the Kwakwaka’wakw and Namgis people and we give thanks for the incredible people and beauty of this land.
Choice of Birthplace is important to us. If you have a low risk pregnancy, you can choose to birth at the Port Hardy Hospital or at home. We also do pregnancy care if you plan to birth with our midwife colleagues, Family Physicians or Obstetricians in other regions. We will make sure you care is seamless and well organized.
Port Hardy hospital does not have epidurals, inductions of labour or C-section options available.
Birth where it is right for you~
From prenatal care to postpartum, two midwives care for you and get to know you. Clients love the home visits after the baby is born. Getting care in the comfort of your home so you can rest and heal.
We continue your care to 6-8 weeks after your baby is born and we can help you choose birth control option that is right for you.
We take time to get to know you.
Having a relationship of trust and making sure informed choice are some of the reasons we give you longer appointments.